It is not possible to fly to Huacachina as there is no airport in the closest city of Ica. Because it is not possible to fly, you only really have two options to travel from Lima to Huacachina.
You have 2 options for taking a bus:
Public Bus:
By traveling with a public bus to Huacachina, it takes roughly 5 hours to get there. Of both options it would be the least recommended. Public buses traveling from Lima to Huacachina are known to pick up random passengers on the middle of the road, having to show no ID. This increases the pickpockets that occur local buses as foreigners who aren’t cautious with their laptop or bags are targeted. Apart from this, you will arrive to Ica, where you’ll have to take a taxi from the street on a 15 minute drive to Huacachina.
Peru Hop Bus:
The only bus company to travel directly to Huacachina from Lima is Peru Hop. They’re a hop-on, hop-off bus system with an excellent Tripadvisor rating and service. They have over 40 different passes to choose from and are perfect for all types of travelers. To learn more, make sure to check out their How It Works page!

To and from Huacachina
Explore and enjoy the amazing desert oasis

Peru Hop bus
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